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High trust rating. This site looks safe to use.

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Why does have an average to good trust score? is very likely not a scam but legit and reliable.

Our algorithm gave the review of a relatively high score. We have based this rating on the data we were able to collect about the site on the Internet such as the country in which the website is hosted, if an SSL certificate is used and reviews found on other websites.

The rating of the website indicates the site is safe to shop and leave your data. However, we cannot guarantee that the site is a scam. Many websites look legit but are in fact fake. Before you shop at a site you do not know, check the website manually.

Positive highlights

The website seems to be an online store (tips for checking shopping scam)

The SSL certificate is valid

The domain name has been registered for more than one year in advance

This website is (very) old

This website is safe according to DNSFilter

Negative highlights

According to Tranco this site has a low rank

This website is selling popular products often misused by scammers

We did not find reviews on popular review sites


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Scam Trends 2024: Watch Out!

As technology evolves, so do the tactics of scammers. In 2023, over $1.2 trillion was lost to scams, signaling a critical need for heightened awareness. This article unveils the likeliest scams in 2024, from disaster relief to AI-powered schemes, offering insights to help you navigate the evolving landscape of online security. Stay informed and safeguard your digital experiences from potential threats.

Read on to find out the most likeliest of Scams you can encounter in 2024.


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The browser add-on is available for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and you can install it on as many devices as you want including those of your family and friends to ensure that everyone is protected.

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Full review

Webshop Analysis

According to Tranco this site has a low Tranco rank. This means that the number of visitors to this website is quite low. You can expect this from a small, starting or niche website. A popular website however should have a higher ranking.

We identified several products in this webshop which are unfortunately also often sold by scammers. Typical examples of such products are iPhones and related accessories, supplements and hoodies. Please take extra care of checking if the online store is legit. You can check our article "How to recognize a Scam" to do so. 

The name of the website has been claimed for more than a year in advance. This is a good sign. Most website owners only register their domain name for one year and renew every year. Companies who register their domain name for a longer-term (up to 10 years) mean to continue their business for a long time. Most scammers sell the name of their websites after a few months once their scam has become common knowledge.

This website has been set-up several years ago. We consider this a positive sign. The longer a website exists, the more it can be expected that it is legit. However, the age of the website is unfortunately no guarantee. In some cases, scammers have been found to buy existing domain names and start their malicious practice here. So checking a website remains a necessity. 

Technical Analysis

A valid SSL certificate was found. Professional companies use an SSL certificate to encrypt communication between your computer and their website. However, there are different levels of certification and scammers also install a free SSL certificate. If you have to enter your data, never do this without checking if an SSL certificate protects your information.

Facts about

Key facts
Domain age
16 years from now
WHOIS data
Website data
Top - Topul saloanelor de înfrumusețare din Romania Top Salon
Top Saloane de infrumusetare, GRATUIT schimbari de look online, coafor virtual gratuit, tombola castiga 250 euro, saloane manichiura, epilare definitiva , saloane de epilare definitiva, saloane infrumusetare,saloane coafura,saloane cosmetica,saloane remodelare corporala,saloane slabit,saloane manichiura,saloane masaj,centre de chirurgie estetica, remodelare corporala, importatori aparatura pentru saloane cosmetice, revista online de beauty & more, saloane din Romania, saloane de cosmetica, frizerii , saloane de frumusete beauty salons infrumusetare, intrand pe acest site pentru femeile smart gasesti orice te intereseaza in materie de beauty, esti la curent cu noile tehnici de machiaj, tunsori in trend, hairstilisti celebrii, fotografii pentru make-up, mirese, coafuri cu par lung,mediu,scurt, epilare definitiva cu laser , frumusete instant la cheie, servicii profesioniste, saloane centrale in orice oras , Bucuresti, Romania, topul saloanelor din tara, intra si schimba-ti lookul si poti castiga la tombola 250 euro daca trimiti fotografia cu noul tau look, daca ai intre 18-80 de ani intra pe Top si gasesti orice te intereseaza in materie de beauty, fotografii cu coafuri ale vedetelor te vor incanta, asa ca intra pe siteul Top, cauta salonul dorit, trimite recenzia ta online pentru a vedea si alte doamne parerea ta despre acel salon , gasesti recomandarile nostre in materie de beauty in paginile siteului, navihjeaza alaturi de noi in aceasta lume beauty a vedetelor in care iti poti schimba lookul oricand dupa preferinte, dar te sfatuuim sa faci o schimbare de look inainte pentru a verifica cum iti sta cu parul scurt,lung , vopsite sau machiata altfel decat pana acum , hai la treaba , citeste, vezi programul de schimbari de look , incearca un nou look , trimite fotografia ta cu noul tau look pe adresa noastra si noi te premiem la tombola, ai curaj, fa o schimbare radicala , trimite foto cu noul tau look , iti putem da sfaturi profesioniste daca nu ai incredere in alegerea facuta , alatura-te profesionistilor nostri din industria beauty si hai sa incercam o alta tunsoare pentru tine care sa te avantajeze si sa iti puna in evidenta trasaturile frumoaase ale fetei, inceraca sa vezi cum iti sta blonda, bruneta sau chiar roscata, poate ca bruneta esti mai enigmatica , navigheaza alaturi de echipa noastra de profesionusati si citeste despre noile aparate de epilare definitiva , poti scapa chiar acum de parul nedorit, vine vara, mergi la plaja, la iti mai trebuie parul nedorit, scapa de el cu aparatele de epilare definitiva Laser Soprano Ice si multe alte aparate care te vor ajuta sa uiti de paerul nedorit din zonele unde vrei sa te bronzezi in vara asta, incearca sa te epilezi definitiv primara ca vara sa fii pregatita de plaja, la calatorii gasesti sugestii de calatorie , locuri frumoase care merita vizitate fara prul nedorit, si ca sa iasa fotografiile bile, schimba-ti lookul,tunde-te caci vara e foarte cald, ia-ti o pereche de ochelari de soare si esti gata de concediu, daca vrei sa te vopsesti si sa te faci blonda, calatoria cu avionul iti va pune in valoare buclele asa ca meriti o schimbare, lasa copilul cu tatal si hai la salon o ora , doar pentru tine, pentru femeia din tine care vrea o schimbare. O sa mergi acasa fericita si bucuroasa ca ai avut putin timp si pentru tine in sfarsit, fa-ti programare la un salon din timp, vezi ce tunsoare vrei sa incerci , pregateste fotografia aleasa pe telefon si arata-i fotgrafia hairstilistului de la salon . Acesta iti va spune daca te avantajeaza sau nu aceasta schimbare si iti va putea face si alte recomandari daca esti hotarata pentru o schimbare de look radicala. Pasul 1 e sa intri pe siteul Top sa vezi galeria foto de coafuri si apoi sa te apuci de treaba.Alege un salon, fa o programare, inceara online gratuit o schimbare de look, salveaza fotografia in telefon , mergi la salon si schimba-ti lookul. meriti. un site pentru femei smart care vor sa fie frumoase. sa nu te simti vinovata ca lasi copilul singur o ora, meriti acest timp doar pentru tine si pentru femeia din tine . Hai la salon, unde vei fi rasfatata de profesionisti, coafezi si frizeri ,cosmeticiene si manichiuriste isi vor da toata silinta ca tu sa arati bine si noul tau look sa te avantajeze. Schimba salonele intre ele, incearca stiluri diferite, vezi ce preferi, ce tunsoare iti place mai mukt, incearca un breton , o culoare noua chiar daca schimbi doar 1-2 tonuri la vopsea, incearca o vopsea de par bio fara amoniac si cu acoperire mare fata de firele albe de par. am incredere in alegerea salonului din top deoarece sunt saloane testate de profesionistiunde au fost multumiti de rezultate, notele de pe facebook sunt mari , au recenzii bune asa ca esti pe maini sigure sa incerci azi sa faci schimbarea vietii tale, hai curaj ....o sa fii cea mai frumoasa. Copilul poate sta fara tine chiar si doua -trei ore, meriti acest timp doar pentru tine. Suntem mame, femei , sotii , experte in domeniul in care lucram, avem multe roluri de jucat , asa ca azi , pentru femeia din tine acorda-ti putin timp ca sa fii frumoasa. Hai la salon. Intra pe si aici vei gasi topul celor mai bune saloane de frumusete din Romania. Caurta salonul potrivit din orasul tau, fa-ti nu ai voie sa o anuluzi. Rasfata-te cateva ore la salonul ales,uite de griji, de copii, fii doar tu cu tine si fii atenta la detalii, alege tot ce te avantajeaza. Daca esti in criza de timp specifica la salon acest lucru si fa-ti o programare la coafor, manichiura si pedichiura in acelasi timp, specifica ca esti o mamica grabita si te vor intelege cu siguranta. Si ele au fost mame si sunt mame si inteleg foarte bine faptul ca trebuie sa ajungi repede acasa sa le dai de mancare si sa-i verifici la teme. Abia astept sa te vad dreaga mea, cum iesi fericita pe usa salonului, gata sa o iei de la capat. Repeta acest ritual macar la doua-trei luni , daca nu-ti poti permite acest lux lunar. Totul va fi bine ! lucrurile merg bine si fara tine, poti lasa copiii la o vecina, la mama ta, cu sotul.Fa-ti timp si pentru tine draga mea. Trebuie sa invatam sa mai iesim uneori din roul de mama si sa fim femei. Sotul tau va aprecia faptul ca tu te ingrijesti ca sa arati bine pentru el. Daca ai cateva kilograme in plus, nu mai manca dupa ora 17. Cand ti-e foame bea un pahar cu apa si atat. Restrictia calorica se va vedea in doar cateva zile. Daca vrei sa slabesti mai mult si mai repede, fa o programare la un salon de remodelare corporala , incerca termosauna , ia-ti un pachet de 10 sedinte, o sa fii foarte multumita. Daca vrei sa te tonifiezi fa-ti un abonament la piscina sau la aerobic si in curand vei intra in rochitele de anul trecut. Nu schimba garderoba cand te ingrasi putin , ci stabilest-ti ca obiectiv sa poti intra din nou in rochitele care nu iti mai vin anul acesta. Seara citeste doua , tei pagini, asulta muzica de relaxare si viata ta se va schimba in bine. Frumoasa, ingrijita , rasfatata si iubita asa trebuie sa te simti draga mea. Chiar daca ai cinci , sase copii nu renunta sa iti faci timp si pentru tine si pentru sotul tau. Nu il neglija si el este un copil mai mare xare are nevoie de atentia si afectiunea ta la fel ca si copiii tai. Nu uita acest lucru. Mersul la salon e ca si mersul in parc sau la aerobic , trebuie sa iti fixezi o zi in care sa stii ca poti lasa copii cu cineva. Aceea sau alta va fi ziua ta de mers la salon , saptamanal sau lunar. Fixeaza aceasta zi in agenda ca sa nu uiti si sa iti respecti programarea la salon. Parul tau va arata ingrijit, nu vei mai avea fire de par despicate, parul ta va straluci de sanatate, il vei putea aranja mai repede si mai usor daca are varfurile tunse la cateva luni, maxim la sase luni. Sa nu imi spui ca nu poti merge macar la sase luni la salon. Renunti la fumat si mergi la salon, renunti la duciuri si mergi la o cosmeticina sa iti faci un tratament facial sau o manichiura. Saotamana asta o manichiura, saptamana viitoare te tunzi , la cateva luni iti vopsesti radacina. Intra pe si gaseste un salon aproape de casa. Urmareste recomandarile nostre. Nu uita anual sa incerci o alta schimbare de look, surprinde-o pe prietena ta si fa-i si ei o schimbare de look sau o programare la un salon. Pielea are nevoie de hidratere asa ca ai grija sa bei macar doi litri de apa zilnic. Daca pielea ta se usvuca , stii ce ai de facut .Bea apa si programeaza-te pentr-un tratament facial, macar o data pe an, ca sa nu regreti la 50 de ani ca nu ai mers la cosmetica si ca ai fata plina de riduri. Hidratarea este cheia pentru o pile frumoasa si catifelata , aranjeaza cumva sa iti verifici tenul la o farmacie daca este deshidratat , apoi schimba ceva in regimul tau zilnic , in ritualul tau de infrumusetare. La baie inchide usa cu cheia si relaxeaza-te cat esti in baie , uita de tot ce e dincolo de usa.
Domain age
16 years from now
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SSL certificate valid
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Low - Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL)
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Let's Encrypt
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Popular Products, Registration Possible, Industry - Shopping, Language - Romanian
ICI - Registrar
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About this report

The review report of has been requested 2 times.
First analyzed: 2022-06-18 21:45:07. Last updated: 2024-03-11 17:46:22

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As the influence of the internet rises, so does the prevalence of online scams. There are fraudsters making all kinds of claims to trap victims online - from fake investment opportunities to online stores - and the internet allows them to operate from any part of the world with anonymity. The ability to spot online scams is an important skill to have as the virtual world is increasingly becoming a part of every facet of our lives. The below tips will help you identify the signs which can indicate that a website could be a scam. Common Sense: Too Good To Be True When looking for goods online, a great deal can be very enticing. A Gucci bag or a new iPhone for half the price? Who wouldn’t want to grab such a deal? Scammers know this too and try to take advantage of the fact. If an online deal looks too good to be true, think twice and double-check things. The easiest way to do this is to simply check out the same product at competing websites (that you trust). If the difference in prices is huge, it might be better to double-check the rest of the website. Check Out the Social Media Links Social media is a core part of ecommerce businesses these days and consumers often expect online shops to have a social media presence. Scammers know this and often insert logos of social media sites on their websites. Scratching beneath the surface often reveals this fu

So the worst has come to pass - you realise you parted with your money too fast, and the site you used was a scam - what now? Well first of all, don’t despair!! If you think you have been scammed, the first port of call when having an issue is to simply ask for a refund. This is the first and easiest step to determine whether you are dealing with a genuine company or scammers. Sadly, getting your money back from a scammer is not as simple as just asking.  If you are indeed dealing with scammers, the procedure (and chance) of getting your money back varies depending on the payment method you used. PayPal Debit card/Credit card Bank transfer Wire transfer Google Pay Bitcoin PayPal If you used PayPal, you have a strong chance of getting your money back if you were scammed. On their website, you can file a dispute within 180 calendar days of your purchase. Conditions to file a dispute: The simplest situation is that you ordered from an online store and it has not arrived. In this case this is what PayPal states: "If your order never shows up and the seller can't provide proof of shipment or delivery, you'll get a full refund. It's that simple." The scammer has sent you a completely different item. For example, you ordered a PlayStation 4, but instead received only a Playstation controller.  The condition of the item was misrepresented on the product page. This could be the

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