k3fxs.com Reviews

is k3fxs.com a scam or legit?

This site does not seem active (error 503). We are showing data from a previous scan.


This website hasn't been scanned in more than 30 days ago. Press the button to get a real time update.

What is your feeling about k3fxs.com?

k3fxs.com has a low trust score. Why?

The website might be a scam as we found several negative indicators for k3fxs.com.

We automatically reviewed k3fxs.com by checking 40 different data point such has the location of the server, ratings given on other sites, malware reports, the source code being used and more. Scamadviser uses all this information to determine a trust score.

Based on our analysis we gave this website a low trust score. As the check is done manually and no algorithm is perfect, it is advisable to also do your own verification of the website before you buy or leave your contact details. Please feel free to use our checklist to see if the website is safe to use or fraudulent.

Positive highlights
Negative highlights

The website's owner is hiding his identity on WHOIS using a paid service

This website has only been registered recently.

This website does not have many visitors

We discoved the website is served from a high risk location

This website is not optimized for search engines


Consumer reviews about k3fxs.com

Very negative reviews

Total reviews: 0 Average score: 0 stars Learn more
They denied me payment .i ran into a page that suggests RENNELLSFRED﹫ ℊmaℹ️l .¢OM.. I reported the case through sending them a maℹ️l and on whatsa+app +18652320559 and They help get my funds back in a few days time. contact them if you
If you are in serious need of professional and reliable assistance to reccover your funds from any of these fraudullent crypto platforms on the internet space. [removed by editor] on their website via rennellsfred﹫ ℊ[removed by editor] , report
THEY ARE THIEVES.. have had nothing but tears from this, the most illegal platform I have ever come across. I am humbled to Lord and Alphaquestretrieveම [removed by editor] . ¢om whose means of cnct is //+ 1 (218) 420-0122 via whtspp for letting
have had my own share of crypto scams due to referrals from this site, I lost a lot of money to this platform and i was still told to send more money to unlock my account because my balance was non-spendable or something. Sadly i couldn't count on


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Stand with Us Against Scams!

Get ready to take a stand against online fraud at the Global Anti-Scam Summit (GASS) Europe 2024! Presented by the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA) and Euroconsumers, this two-day event on June 24th & 25th is your chance to be part of a global movement to protect consumers and businesses. Join us virtually and make your voice heard in the battle against scams. ScamAdviser is proud to be participating in this event. Together, we can make a difference!

Complete Review k3fxs.com

Company Evaluation

The owner of the website is hiding his identity. Spammers use this information to promote services to website owners. Some website owners therefor chose to hide their contact details. However, it can also be misused by scammers. Our algorithm gives a high rating if the identity of the website owner is shown.

Webshop Evaluation

This domain name has only been registered recently. This means that the website is actually quite young and few if any consumers have had time to leave reviews or social media comments. It is therefore best to check this website thoroughly to make sure the website was not set-up by a scammer. Please check out our article "How to recognize a scam".

In our Analysis we always check the Tranco ranking. In this case it was low. A low Tranco ranking means that the website has relatively few visitors. For a new website this is logical. The same is true for a highly specialized website. However if the website claims to be a large corporate or popular site, than warning flags should be raised.

Technical Evaluation

The server of this website is based in a hosting center in a country that is marked as being high risk. This means that the country is listed by the International Banking Federation as having a high level of fraud and corruption.

We checked if the website is optimized for search engines like Google and Bing. This does not seem to be the case. Several items are missing which most websites implement to make sure they can be found by search engines. We consider this suspicious. Why would a website not want to be found via search engines? This is usually the case if they do not want to be found by police authorities or brand protection agencies. 

Facts about k3fxs.com

Key facts
Domain age
3 years from now
WHOIS data
Company data
hu nan
Website data
Domain age
3 years from now
Website Speed
SSL certificate valid
WHOIS registration date
WHOIS last update date
WHOIS renew date
Populair Products, Brands, Registration Possible
hu nan
hu nan
Technical Contact
hu nan
Alibaba.com Singapore E-Commerce Private Limited
Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Register website
Server name

Request HTTP status



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About this report

The rating of k3fxs.com has been viewed 6 times.
First analyzed: 2020-10-21 04:53:13. Last updated: 2020-10-21 04:53:13

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