Review: Cheap Products from Amazon Returns?


Author: Adam Collins

May 23, 2024

Ever asked yourself where goods go when they are returned to Amazon? Well, when one website claimed to be selling such products, we got curious. claims to be selling cheap products because they source them from Amazon’s unclaimed products and Amazon’s returned products, but is this true?

Read on as we discuss all there is to know about including whether they actually sell unclaimed products, questionable contact details, and social media presence. Links to a Scam Network

On their About Us page, I noticed a phrase that has been quite common in thousands of dubious websites. This phrase, “...we love every passion and interest on Earth because it is a reference to your UNIQUENESS.” is found on countless websites, some of which we have covered like,, and

It forms the basis of what we call the Uniqueness Scam Network which has over 12,000 websites and counting. There is a high possibility that this scam network originates from China and uses several tactics like duplicated content, huge discounts, and much more. Talking of discounts…

Huge Discounts on

Even though businesses use discounts as a form of marketing, when the deal gets too good to be true, you get suspicious. With, I noticed that there are a lot of discounts all around the website. Having a few discounts sounds okay, but when it's done en-masse, you become curious.

Interestingly, I also noticed that they are selling most of their products at $130 which is not only weird but also very suspicious.

Suspicious Contact Details

On their, I noticed they have listed Well, if you look closely, this is an Outlook email address that is not only free but can also be registered by anyone.

Scammers use free emails just to make it harder for customers to reach out to them. And since this is a generic email with no links to, there is no telling who is behind the email.’s Dummy Social Media Buttons

Businesses leverage the power of social media to attract more customers. When I noticed social media buttons on, I was curious to see their social proof. However, these are only dummy buttons, leading to nowhere, and only added there to make appear legit.

Alongside the social media buttons on the footer of is this name, LGBE Shop Inc. Well, this is a new name on and further raises suspicions that this is part of a larger scam network. No legit business would name another company in their footer not unless it's a dubious website. 

High-Pressure Sales Tactics

When I clicked on the item, I was stunned to see a lot of high-pressure tactics used by For starters, they list the number of items left, curiously, a higher number of people “currently” viewing the item, and popups of people supposedly buying the product.

All these overlap with what scammy websites do to pressure customers into making hasty decisions. They try to create a fear of missing out which would prompt some customers to act quickly without doing their due diligence. 

Bottom Line: Is a Scam?

In general, may be a scam. There are a lot of red flags from association with a known scam network, use of high-pressure sales tactics synonymous with scammy websites as well as huge discounts. Throw in the use of a free Outlook email as the official email address, dummy social media buttons, and the inclusion of different business names on the footer does little to boost frailing user confidence. Overall, there is a need to exercise caution when shopping at

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or is missing relevant information, please contact using this form.

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