oir.spb.ru Reviews

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is oir.spb.ru legit or a scam?

High trust rating. This site looks safe to use.

What is your feeling about oir.spb.ru?

Why does oir.spb.ru have an average to good trust score?

oir.spb.ru is very likely not a scam but legit and reliable.

Our algorithm gave the review of oir.spb.ru a relatively high score. We have based this rating on the data we were able to collect about the site on the Internet such as the country in which the website is hosted, if an SSL certificate is used and reviews found on other websites.

The rating of the website indicates the site is safe to shop and leave your data. However, we cannot guarantee that the site is a scam. Many websites look legit but are in fact fake. Before you shop at a site you do not know, check the website manually.

Positive highlights

The SSL certificate is valid

This website is safe according to DNSFilter

Negative highlights

According to Tranco this site has a low rank

This website is hosted in a high risk location


Consumer reviews about oir.spb.ru

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Scam Trends 2024: Watch Out!

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Full review oir.spb.ru

Webshop Analysis

According to Tranco this site has a low Tranco rank. This means that the number of visitors to this website is quite low. You can expect this from a small, starting or niche website. A popular website however should have a higher ranking.

Technical Analysis

This website is located on a server in a high-risk location. Locations with a high risk are locations identified by the International Banking Federation as having a high level of fraud and corruption. We consider the location of origin in our algorithm but only other factors found (like products offered on the site) may result in a low score.

A valid SSL certificate was found. Professional companies use an SSL certificate to encrypt communication between your computer and their website. However, there are different levels of certification and scammers also install a free SSL certificate. If you have to enter your data, never do this without checking if an SSL certificate protects your information.

Facts about oir.spb.ru

Key facts
WHOIS data
Website data
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Website Speed
Very Fast
SSL certificate valid
SSL type
Low - Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL)
SSL issuer
Let's Encrypt
Registration Possible
Server name

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About this report

The review report of oir.spb.ru has been requested 2 times.
First analyzed: 2022-12-29 06:11:45. Last updated: 2022-12-29 06:11:45

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