
2 Beoordelingen
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Cctbanks[removed by editor]

www.cctbanks[removed by editor] (I believe they are based in Latvia)It is One of the biggest Fraud Companies.It composed of group of thieves. their names as pretended to me **** and Ayoub Abu zayd and one lady (Unknown name)Those people convinced me
Data della recensione 2020-01-13 13:30:41
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www.cctbanks[removed by editor] SPAM/THIEVES 100%

www.cctbanks[removed by editor]
is One of the biggest Fraud Companies.
It composed of group of thieves. their names as pretended to me NADEEM and Ayoub Abu zayd and one lady (Unknown name)
Those people convinced me to deposit 6000$ on 31st Jan
Data della recensione 2019-03-13 00:22:31
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