amilton campos soares

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All lie these guys who are giving positive feedback this is just a ponzi scheme if you deposit they pay it right if you send a lot of money they don't even pay are the same scammers owners of this site https://x2free[removed by editor] hit the
Fecha de la opinión 2019-10-20 02:44:55
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Alert warns yet another internet buck scammer

It was expensive if you say king of the dark net anymore today he is no longer bought some robots in the hand of this scammer worked everything beautiful almost two months later the robot did I lose everything I contacted this scammer chinged me and
Fecha de la opinión 2019-10-16 20:53:12
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Alert Alert will steal your bitcoins

Alert Alert Don't put your money in this trash they stole me 0.5 btc and wanted to blow again Don't fall for this scam bitcoin has to be in your wallet never send it to anyone scam scam are internet mice ready to scam the unwary are bitcoin thieves
Fecha de la opinión 2019-10-14 17:19:46
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