
2 Beoordelingen
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Took my money and never got back to me. I booked a car rental with economybookings and later wanted to extend the booking a few days. I called and they told me to cancel the first booking and reschedule the longer booking. He was rushing me off the phone

Took my money and never got back to me. I booked a car rental with economybookings and later wanted to extend the booking a few days. I called and they told me to cancel the first booking and reschedule the longer booking. He was rushing me off the
Fecha de la opinión 2023-12-30 16:50:28
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Uso incorrecto de opinión
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Know what you are signing up for. We were told we'd pay $1 for a credit check to see a loan we could qualify for. Nothing more than that. Turns out it was a trial for $1, then $30!!/month after that. Usually subscriptions give warnings when a trial is end

Know what you are signing up for. We were told we'd pay $1 for a credit check to see a loan we could qualify for. Nothing more than that. Turns out it was a trial for $1, then $30!!/month after that. Usually subscriptions give warnings when a trial
Fecha de la opinión 2023-12-30 06:21:49
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